Hi all — I’ve been in such a difficult place because of work. I’m 28 yrs old and have never been in a healthy working environment — toxic managers, bullying, 15hr work days with no OT, gaslighting, insane performance pressures (marketing). Every job I’ve been at, I’ve tried to make better, but it would get to the point where it was hurting my health and I’d have to leave.

I have such imposter syndrome now, fear and no idea what to do with my career. I worry I’m “not hirable” so stay. Im so sad

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I want you to know that damaging work environments will do this to you - make you doubt your capabilities and work.

But you are smarter than this. You e survivors these places, added value to these organizations, and learned skills on your own along the way. Look at the evidence of your contributions to these places and focus on those.

A healthy work environment means that you leave everyday without thinking of work. It's EASY to disengage from your labor. That's how you know.


Look at this prospective. To be so young and focused, reaching your goals are one thing but actually achieving them is more than a notion. Seasoned professionals would feel threatened by you because they don’t have that youth anymore and let’s just admit it business is business, however unless you find a thriving youthful business with a mindset of being successful or startup one of your own and be freelancer, this not going to work for you. That being said with all you’ve learned from over the years, you’re valuable so think about it. Are you good at what you do or is what you do just a job at the end of the day? Why did you pick this career? If you’re good at this “why not shoot to be mgmt “ ?

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Do not stay! I did for 11.5 years before I finally had enough. I saw a professional to get help-a social worker who helped me see that it wasn't me at all but a toxic boss and company. I was having anxiety attacks, and it was affecting my mental health. The stress from a bully and a predator personality was no easy to recognize as it was happening. I am 5 months into my new job, which I LOVE! I have amazing co-workers and a wonderful team above me who appreciate me for my contributions to the team every single day. It was very helpful to talk to someone and vent out my feelings. You go for it and develop a plan and the other side will amaze you! Good Luck!


Where do you work?!


Wait until you’re 48 and losing your mind/house because no one wants your 15 hr work days or to gaslight you or to have you around at all.


Hey everyone. I just want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart, for your kind words and supportive natures. It’s awful that so many of you had to go through the same pain I feel — for that, I’m so sorry. During times like these, when your confidence (my confidence) is so shattered and I feel so stuck, almost helpless if you will, to know that I have such a supportive community here and that I’m not alone in this fight really means more to me than words will ever be able to express. To all of you who shared your stories and extended a hand, thank you.


Ugh, I hear you & feel this.. :(

I'm 30 and have gone through nothing but the same thing for the last 8 years (one toxic environment to the next, bully after bully.. down to threatening a lawsuit to a prior manager for sending trackable threats, regularly). It really does mess with your mindset and force you to question your own knowledge and expertise... but you have to remember that you bring a very valuable, appreciated skillset to each company you work for. One silver lining is the thick skin you're creating now to be able to make it through likely harder situations in the future. I personally no longer believe in job security, but I have to remind myself regularly that there ARE places out there who will value you and your efforts, you just have to keep searching for that perfect fit. In the meantime, keep your head up and GTFO of there! Best of luck!


I am very much in the same situation so I seek validation outside the workplace. This is just for my sanity. The people who gaslight and undermine your work would want you to question your ability. If you fall for that, you’ll loose their game. Keep up the good work and be polite and confident in what you do.


I'm there with you. So sorry. Dont know how to move myself. I really wish you luck. ❤️


There are too many nursing roles out there to be miserable. I get it - I stayed way too long in a role where I felt miserable. But, sometimes the grass IS greener! I switched gears to another type of nursing and LOVE IT! (I went from the hospital setting to nursing education).


The op did not say they are a nurse.


As Les Brown would say, if you knew that you have 6 months to live, would you be satisfied coming back to this toxic work environment? I was there in my previous job, I knew it wasn’t a great place to work at within a month. I gave it 6 months for it to show me that it would change and I then made the most satisfying decision to my mental health by leaving it. I didn’t have a backup plan at that point but things worked out for me, I have found life has a special way of doing this for us all. Now almost a year later, I am in the most professional, supportive, unstressful, family supportive situation that I’ve ever been in my career. Believe in yourself my friend, good things are supposed to happen for you. If you heart is telling you to leave, then it’s time to start putting yourself out there. You’re far more capable than you can even give yourself credit for.


Your comment resonated with me so glaringly that I had to reply! I’ve been reading through this thread because I’m in a similar situation, although towards the end of my career. But years ago, when I was single and BROKE, I was in a more toxic environment. After a couple months, with no job in sight I woke up one morning, cried as usual, prayed, went to the dreaded job early gathered my belongings & left the resignation letter. The only employee present looked at me and said, “You’re too nice for this place.” Until then, she’d never spoken to me.
What made me comment today is…WHY, at this big age am I tolerating this mess?!


As a person of color with 25yrs in the corporate workplace: they're ALL like this. Every state. Every company. Just know you're not alone, we all see there's a problem, friend


Yes I agree with this. When I finally got hired by a huge, global Fortune 500 company I was like yes this is my big break and finally a real, professional company. Unfortunately my expectations were too high and I am now left feeling disappointed and left with my spirit broken. It’s better than my old jobs but still rampant unprofessionalism and people getting mad if you ask a question. I asked my trainer a question one time and he picked up the phone, called my boss and said he didn’t want to work with me anymore.


Stick to your Amount you can go High and always come down a bit


Don't stay, it's not worth it. You will ruin your health by staying in such a toxic place. I had a similar experience that put me in the hospital. I had to leave and quit that job and retrain in another industry. I'm still looking for a job and it's been rough but I'm much better off than before.


I had almost same experience for years but here I am today doing my own thing. Not all job will make things hard for you though, I was once an associate product manager at tech company and happy, but lost my job in 7 months. Things was hard then but lead me to finding my happiness in digital marketing, working at my own pace and earning more than enough commissions everyday.
You can try doing that too, I can teach you, thinking of the fear you have now I understand and maybe you can find peace trying something else.




Federal law controls OT rules, so a simple quick call to the DOL wage and hour division would take care of a lot of your woes.


The better question is, How is an "HR Director" asking "How?" 🤔


Call Keller and Keller


Report them!

I've been there. Keep positive thoughts and thoughts on what you want to do and survive it.

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1. Regeneron: Automation Engineer
+F500 Biotech
+Decent pay, great incentives
+Great work life balance
-Stuck in upstate NY
-Pigeonholed into one industry
-More regulatory work than project mgmt

2. Walmart: Automation Engineer
+Dynamic project ownership
+Lots of Travel
+No. 1 company on F500
-Little fish in a HUGE pond
-Work life balance is eh


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